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Who are you married to?

Lauraina Stacey

There’s a special piece of your life where you feel like you have so many friends, so many enemies, and you never know what the real truth is in between.

When I met my husband, I was 16 years old we didn’t get married until seven years later but the truth is that I thought we were going to be best friends and now on holidays and my birthday I am left to my own devices. Lately all I can think of is how long have we been together? How do we live in the same house or survive under the same circumstances but yet you look at me like I’m less than you, unless I spread my legs for you??? Tell me what is happening to the world that we live in today?

Have you ever felt like you’re living in a place where you exist just to satisfy the needs of somebody else?

Do you ever feel like you’ve lost your mind because you thought that magic was real and that things could be happy one day ?

Do you think things could get better because you believe in the impossible dream of possibilities!???

Me too!!! Help me change the future of love and happiness!!!


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